November 2021

Heavy rains over Halloween weekend – Brook Trail was flooded and a LOT of water was coming over the dam. Sink hole on straight path out to flower garden. Neighborhood kids gathered under the Garden Pavilion after Trick or Treating for a campfire with stories and dancing. Chickens are molting – got extra protein today. Benjamin Vaughan researcher visited the house today and toured with curators.

Driveway and barn drainage – project underway. Wallpaper samples from back parlor packed up and sent to paper reproducer. Final “mow rake” of the season – hopefully!

New water main to the house has been fed through the old, extra large, water pipe, that had been installed for the water power elevator and private fire hydrant (both now inoperable). This should improve water quality to the house. Sample of music room wallpaper reproduction has arrived for our approval before it goes to print. Document boxes moved from records room into upstairs hall to make room for windows to be removed for restoration.

Boundary walk around Vaughan Woods with the Kennebec Land Trust today. Winter windows installed in chicken coop to reduce the need for plastic.

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